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Frozen Choco Banana

Frozen Choco Banana. Are your kids craving for something sweet? Here is an easy-to-make snack for them: Frozen Choco Banana. They can try making this snacks theirself.  They are yummy and of course healthy. But, why bananas? Bananas are a highly nutritious energy packed fruit. Your child can be highly benefited from this fruit. Bananas are sweet and creamy and they are available throughout the year. As they ripe, the bananas become sweeter and softer.

Have a quick look at the amazing health benefits of bananas for kids:
  • Rich in fibre
  • Easy to digest
  • Good for heart
  • Full of nutrients
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Good for growing bones and improving eyesight
  • Prevent anaemia
  • Increase brain power
(Hmm, no wonder, bananas is one of America's favorite snacks)

Bananas can be introduced in your children’s diet from a very early stage. They can be a very nutritious baby food.  After 5 years onward, your child can be given 4 to 5 ripe bananas in a day. They can be given with every meal. Bananas are the healthiest of all fruits. The high level of antioxidants present in bananas protects your child against all kinds of chronic diseases. And, bananas are available at all seasons.

If you want to elevate the mood of your child, just give one banana. It will immediately relax your child.It does not involve lot of work in peeling. Bananas can be mashed and given to your child. They can also be given in the form of banana shakes, cupcakes or any kind of dessert. 

Then, let's make it!

All you need:

chocolate (melted)
chocolate meises

How to do:

Peel the banana then put them on skewers.

Dip the bananas into melted chocolate

Roll the bananas in the sprinkles of chocolate meises

Freeze the bananas for about 30 minutes until they set.

And yes! Your frozen choco bananas are ready! Enjoy!

Happy Cooking,

Dian Restu Agustina
Dian Restu Agustina
Dian Restu Agustina Hi! I'm Dian! A wife and mother of two. Blogger living in Jakarta. Traveler at heart. Drinker of coffee

30 komentar untuk "Frozen Choco Banana"

  1. wawww...enak banget kayanyaa mbaa

    apalgi pas musim ujan gini makan frozen choco banana nyaa...wiihh bikin ketagihann dehh mbaaa

  2. waahhh enak dan praktis yaa mba dian. :)

    next mau cobain ahhh :)

  3. Yang saya tahu, banana itu pisang yah hihihi...
    Saya mau nyontek resepnya tetapi tidak ngerti bahasanya. Maafkan diri ini yang hanya ngerti bahasa Indonesia saja.

    1. Ini pencitraan Bunda...biar enggak lupa English nya hahaha

  4. Bisa dicoba nih.. makasih resepnya mba dian

  5. Klo saya ga pake ditusuk, potong kecil2 lsg ludes deh....malah rencana beaok mau bikin, td dikah tetangga pisang uli...

  6. Actually, I don't really like bananas. But after reading this article, I changed my mind. I want to eat a bunch of bananas. I think this is the best bananas recipe ever. Tfs mba dian.

  7. Brrrrr... Ujan2 makan yg beku2 mbak2.. Mesisnya lucuk.. Warna warni 😂

  8. Woowww...super easy yet so yummy..i bet my girl would love this. Tfs mak gonna make this with my daughter :)

  9. Oh bukan cuma ke coklat meses, kadang-kadang saya gulirkan ke almond atau ke nutella :)

  10. Banana is one of our favourite fruit. Especially Najib, he likes it very much. Usually we just eat banana without any cooking process. But, if I have more time, I'll add it on my pancakle ingredients

  11. Hihihi, inggris saya pasif aja mbak Dian. Ga bisa jawabnya, tapi ngerti garis besar yang dibicarakan mbak Dian. Patut dicoba kalau pas anak ribut nyari camilan. Trimakasih mbak resepnya!

  12. Mauuu nyobaaa juga Mbak Dian, kumasukin wadah es batu lucu juga kali yaa Mbak hihii. Endaaang bambanggg haha

  13. My kids really likes this one banana recipe ... so yummy
